BN lab olympics a big success (again)

BN lab Olympics took over the psych basement once again late this summer. These are the first games since 2021, which means many of our previous athletes had retired (graduated). But we had a few senior participants as a bushel of new folks who came ready to compete!

Representatives from the Coutellier, Lenz, Leuner, Sehgal and Kirby lab came together in the spirit of fun and light hearted competition. The overall winner, with the greatest award total from individual events, was Lenz lab postdoc Marissa Smail.

Marissa humbly accepts her award


Some other photos of general Olympics activities:

The Spin and Pour Event: An individual event where you spin around in a chair 10x, then have to transfer water between several containers without spilling. Winner is based on time. Spilling more than 5ml is a DQ.


More Spin and Pour event


“Tip Your Friends” A pairs event where you shoot pipette tips at a beaker held by a friend.


“Salty Disposition” A singles event where you guess the mass of the NaCl in the weighboat. Winner is closest without going over!

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