The Trouble with ALS

I worked on this project for about 6 hours today, and put it to bed about 8:30. I wanted to finish it tonight if possible since I don’t have iMovie at home and would like to not have to go in to work over the weekend (Tina might kill me if I try).

I have two initial observations, but will obviously build on this over the next several days. First, I’m surprised by how much visual material ended up in the movie that I hadn’t planned to use and bears no explicit connection to the story I thought I was telling about Dad. The connections are relevant to ALS and disability more generally maybe. Secondly, some of the risks strike me as potentially disruptive (those risks are the toggling between voices and black screen recording at the end). I suppose if I had wanted to tell a single, coherent story I would have made different choices; if I had wanted to argue for increased research or funding, I would have made different choices.

Instead, I wanted to experiment with hybrid genre–not quite personal narrative, not quite public argument. The risks were calculated–they just don’t resonate the way I’d wanted (at least they don’t tonight after a long day).

Unfortunately, it exceeds the file size U.OSU will upload, so I can’t embed here. Boo.

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