About Me; Process

Notes for Aug 30th  

About Me project

  • Who will be reading?– Investigate design industries and possible careers—UX/UI careers has me feeling giddy and excited!!!!


My journey to finding design is unorthodox to say the least. After three years of studying Finance in Houston, I was miserable. A member of my family learned of an aptitude testing facility called AIMS testing and I signed up to be their subject. AIMs is a nonprofit organization targeted towards aptitude testing and behavioral studies. The testing is three days long with a half a day dedicated toward a one-on-one meeting to discuss your results. At the end of my testing, the results showed absolutely no aptitude for Finance, but a high aptitude for Industrial Design. They were also able to tell me based on my other results that Ohio State would be the best fit for me to study Design at. So, I transferred, moved, and restarted here in Ohio. I have never taken an art class before, and I had no knowledge of what Industrial Design was before coming here. Now I have a giddy excitement to learn Design and find myself enthralled by every aspect of design. I am particularly interested in product and UX design. To describe the electric excitement I have for these topics would be an understatement.



My journey to finding design is unorthodox to say the least. After three years of studying Finance in Houston, I was miserable. A member of my family learned of an aptitude testing facility called AIMS testing and I signed up to be their subject. AIMs is a nonprofit organization targeted towards aptitude testing and behavioral studies. The testing is three days long with a half a day dedicated toward a one-on-one meeting to discuss your results. At the end of my testing, the results showed absolutely no aptitude for Finance, but a high aptitude for Industrial Design. They were also able to tell me based on my other results that Ohio State would be the best fit for me to study Design at. So, I transferred, moved, and restarted here in Ohio. I have never taken an art class before, and I had no knowledge of what Industrial Design was before coming here. Now I have a giddy excitement to learn Design and find myself enthralled by every aspect of design. I am particularly interested in product and UX design. To describe the electric excitement I have for these topics would be an understatement.



“”Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That’s why it is called the present”- Master Oogway, Kung Fu Panda. Finding my way to the design program here was not a direct path for me. I eventually found a testing facility that told me that the Design program here at Ohio State would be a great fit for my future. Every day here is a gift and I find myself giddy to have this opportunity. I have virtually no prior knowledge in design and honestly didn’t know what Industrial Design was before starting classes. I am a blank canvas that is ecstatic to explore what design is and how to be a successful designer!  My interests in design are currently product and UX design stiles, but I do enjoy interior design and costume design. I am especially excited to learn and experience what the design process entails.


I am passionate about competitive dance, my pet bunny, and Halloween decorations!



Gallerie format of images- try to find top 3 images


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