Space and Time Walk: Process


I learned how to walk while slow looking and what slow looking was. After practicing in class how to identify different ways to slow work I then found a spot on campus that was interesting to me and kept in mind the route to get there. I walked this route multiple times while slow looking to take in as much information in different types of ways and how it made me feel.
Research and Activities : Here is a pdf link to the photos and descriptions dealing with the Research process.


My first iteration was just going to be based off of this collage, making the route change the intensity of the color
this was my first iteration of the buildings and how I wanted to align them to have the vantage point be at the starting location.
This shows my iteration of trying to show the narrative of an exam and experimenting with different texture ideas for each section
This shows my experimentation with different textures further and brainstorming more ideas.















Closer look at brainstorming and Iterations

This shows my first ideas of trying to incorporate the idea of making the buildings into schools supplies and adding trees and roads to make it more like a map
This is my final iteration before adding the color and pen.












Concept Statement

The process of studying for an exam always begins with you being the lazy lazy vine. As you continue the process leading up to the exam, you leave through the tunnel to escape to reality and abandon the laziness. Everything is of chaos, anxiously trying to gather information to be learned, you reach the mass amount of content and suddenly stumble on your mind, nervous for failure when your step drops at the corner.  Stay focused and inherit as much information as you can, keep your head down surrounded by the sections around you. Near the end you exit the tunnel of trees and building to be enlightened and gain confidence becoming aware of your minds power. Realizing your strengths, focus once more for the last Time, all or nothing. Enter into a new world, the stakes are high with taking the exam. Cross under a bridge which others fly. Continue to walk under the second bridge to finish proving to yourself your success. With the exit comes comfort with comfort comes more anxiety as you turn  wait for the results of your strengths. A chilling surprise.


In the finished product I believe that I did a good job in taking one of the later  iteration to the next level by making it more abstract and creating the buildings and keeping aspects from the real buildings and making them into school supplies. One example of the way that I used school supplies and made it similar to the building is that one of the buildings had many columns aligned that were flat and I used multiple books lined up to represent those columns and the dark exterior of the book is like the dark windows in real life. I think I did a good job with adding objects around the path to help with the ideas and the feelings I wanted to portray as you follow the route such as the car conjunction around the path where the feeling has to do with chaos. The other ways that I showed structure was by using the multiple chapter books lined up, and trees following the entire walk path to show segments and progressing to resemble the chapters and material being studied, when I got to the path of enlightenment I push the trees back and used the Street Lamps and turned them on to show the idea of enlightenment, I continued to use the school supplies to help the ideas along the path. I also think that the textures I used to show the intensity of feelings are strong and relate the ideas I want to portray well. I believe the use of the buildings being school supplies and also the use of trees, streets and cars makes it so that the map is nicely in between realistic and abstract. Something I could work on is maybe making the path more abstract by using techniques so that I do not have to make the path itself highlighted to make it able to follow. Another thing would be giving myself more space to show the starting and ending point more so that I could put more detail around them and make them stand out more.

Link to Portfolio

Space and Time Walk