
Survey Questions

1. What are your career goals?

To be completely honest, I am not completely sure what I want to do. However, In the next five years, I would love to be an administrator and/or social media director for a business. I like to handle logistics and use technology to help run matters on a more efficient and sustainable way. I strive to support our forward thinking generation of iPhones and laptops. 

2. Describe your “comfort zone” when it comes to working with a computer. In other words, what do you MOST enjoy doing on the computer?

I am very comfortable with laptops and iPhones. I enjoy editing videos and photos using Mac’s iMove and Photos applications. Overall, I am very well versed in computers and can learn quickly. One program I am not very familiar with is Excel. 

3. What do you find MOST frustrating when working with computers?

As a Mac user, I find it hard working with the applications Photos and iMovie because it slows down my laptop a lot. The memory on my laptop is small compared to how much I should have for a video/photo laptop. 

4. What are two things you would like MOST to learn, see or do with technology this year?

I would like to learn how to create a QR code and apply it to my internship. Also I am excited to learn about other video editing software. 

5. Not counting Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint, what software have you used to complete assignments for other courses? (This could be software on your own computer, in a lab on in the cloud.)

In the past, I have used Prezi, iMovie, iphoto/Photos, Gimp, and WordPress.

6. Not counting Carmen or a class-specific website, what websites or online services have you used to complete assignments for other courses?

I have used McGraw-Hill and Pearson websites to complete assignments. Other than those services, my classes have not required me to use a lot of other programs.

7. Not counting PowerPoint, what software or websites have you used to assist in delivering a presentation?

I have used Prezi in previous classes. 

8. Describe any assignments for other classes in which you were involved with producing or editing or posting online an audio or video project.

In the past, I have only had to shoot small 60 seconds videos on my iPhone and limited to no editing was required. In my landscape architecture class, I used WordPress and published a paper in a post.  

9. What experience do you have using an iPad or some other tablet device in another class for completing assignments? What apps did you use and what did you turn in or post?

I have not used any tablet devices in other classes. However, I am familiar with the apps and functionality of an iPad. 

10. Describe what type of computer(s) and mobile device(s) you own – Mac, PC, Android, etc.

I own a 2012 Macbook Pro with 4 GB. In addition, I own a iPhone 5c and sync my mac devices through iCloud. In addition, I own an Segate external hard drive to backup my files from my laptop.