Live, Laugh, Languages with IA 3rd and 4th Years

November 9, 2020 7-8pm

This event had participants from four less commonly learned languages in the US, which were Korean, Chinese, Arabic, and Russian. I chose to watch the recording of this event becasue I am a Korean major and wanted to hear what Kerstin had to say. It was great to hear about all of the participants experiences and I feel like I learned a lot while watching this event.

This event relates to International Affairs becasue learning a language helps to connect people all over the world. At this event, as well, the participants were all students learning languages that are not as commonly learned in the US and so it was great to hear about their experiences. I hope that it might inspire some of the other people listening to try a lesser learned language if they are thinking abut it and have the time.

By watching this event I feel like I am even more excited to continue leaning Korean here at Ohio State. I was able to see how far Kerstin has come and it just makes me so excited to see where I will be when I am a fourth year. I know that it will not be easy, but I am ready and excited to continue learning.

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