- HW with the lowest grade will be dropped
- Late HWs will not be accepted. There are no partial credits for late HWs.
- Only those HWs will be accepted which follow the document named “HW and MT logistics” posted on your class web site. Specifically HWs slid under my office door will not be accepted.
- Print out the pages of the HW posted on the web site and do your HW on these pages. HWs not following this guideline will not be accepted
- Points will be taken off if the information on the front page of the HW is incomplete
- One point will be taken off if the pages are not stapled together
- Only a subset of the assigned problems will be graded
Day: September 14, 2018
ECE2020-2060: Rules for sending email to me
This info is also posted on the “Class Info” page.
I am teaching two classes and taking care of 600+ students. I get a lot of emails with no information about your class or section; as a result I have to send you multiple emails to get that information from you. What could be handled by one email turns into a string of two or three emails.
Therefore to make email communication more manageable, your email must contain the following information or it will not be acknowledged:
- Your full name
- Course Name: ECE2020 or ECE2060
- Are you a Lecture Student or a Recitation Student?
- If you are a recitation student then what is the name of your Recitation GTA? Check your syllabus for the names of your GTAs.