Year in Review

Here are all my reflections about the previous years which describe how I have evolved as a person and as a student.

2017: My first year at The Ohio State University ignited my passion for Computer Science and Engineering. My decision to pursue this field was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I joined ICE scholars and it was a great collaborative learning experience that taught me about the world of innovation and entrepreneurship.

2018: I decided to take summer classes which distributed my course load over fall and spring classes giving me more time to focus on individual classes better. I took part in programming championships provided by Google.

2019:  This year, I was able to use my skills I had learned in the past year to create several interesting projects. I learned new programming languages, new collaborative methods, and new software to solve various problems.

2020: I learned a lot about software engineering and game design with several projects, collaboration, and a new form of learning through Zoom. Since I commuted to the University on a daily basis, the introduction of online classes meant that I had more time to focus on my study instead of driving to campus. Although the pandemic disrupted the way I used to learn, it taught me to adapt and persevere.