
Below are my progress and future plans with G.O.A.L.S.

G.O.A.L.S. stands for: Global Awareness, Original Inquiry, Academic Enrichment, Leadership Development, and Service Engagement

Global Awareness: My ability to speak several languages and my participation with ETSS have helped me appreciate the power of diversity and unique cultural background. I plan on traveling to more countries in the future to expand on my global awareness.

Original Inquiry: When I joined ICE scholars, I researched several entrepreneurship methods with the various entrepreneurs we met on our trips. I also conducted research about borders and boundaries within the university with one of my professors.

Academic Enrichment: I took part in Programming competitions within the University and globally during my time at Ohio State. I also used my experience with ICE scholars to broaden my network with other members in and out of the community.

Service Engagement: I plan on participating in alumni clubs that are part of Ohio State. I also plan on giving back to my community through various means.

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