On Thursday, June 16th John Quigley, Professor, Ohio State’s Moritz College of Law spoke about international law and how it has played a role in Jerusalem since the formation of the state of Israel in 1948. He discussed the status of Jerusalem has evolved since then. He went into the detail about why Tel Aviv is still recognized as Israel’s capital by most countries, despite Israel’s claim on Jerusalem as its sovereign territory and capital. We learned that back in 1949 when Israel applied for membership to the United Nations, member states insisted that Jerusalem remain under “international administration,” until such time when the people of Jerusalem could vote on what their government should be. The records of the extensive hearings can be found on the UN website.
Professor Quigley’s research interests include East European Law, International Law, and Human Rights. His books include, Consular Law and Practice (co-authored with Luke T. Lee), Oxford University Press 2008, Soviet Legal Innovation and the Law of the Western World, Cambridge U Press 2007, The Case for Palestine: An International Law Perspective (Duke U Press, 2005), and most recently, Britain and Its Mandate over Palestine, and the Legality of a Jewish State. He has a new book coming out called “Britain and Its Mandate Over Palestine.”

Old Town of Jerusalem, by Dan via Flickr, CC 2.0