Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies

After this week’s learning, The most useful thing I learned is about how to read on electronic devices and the importance of avoiding multitasking. This week’s lecture mentioned the importance of reading. As I spent more and more time using electronic devices, I found it harder to read. Sometimes I got distracted and failed to read. However, the lecture talked about highlighting and writing down important or confused part for better learning result which I think it’s very reasonable and worth trying. Multitasking is one thing that I already try to prevent from. I always struggle with this. I currently try to force myself not checking the social media while studying. sometimes I put my phone to somewhere I can’t see. I think this is helpful for me to do less multitasking. I still need to work on my reading. Many of my courses required me to read some pages or some articles each week. And specially its online classes now, I feel overwhelmed with so many readings. I think I need to prepare earlier each week and squeeze more time to finish reading. The advice I have for this week is that I think we all need to read more no matter is required by a class or some book that you interested in. Reading is very healthy for us and we can always learn so many things through reading.

Being a Better Online ReaderĀ (Links to an external site.)

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