
Final Reflection

 Throughout this term, gaining a new understanding of online learning strategies and skills was one of the biggest takeaways from this semester.  There are so many efficient ways to complete tasks online and enhance everyday learning without having to rely on a pen and paper.  Instead, there are millions of websites and videos to teach you something new, and make life easier.  One of the biggest things I learned is that you can find just about anything online.  Although I already knew this to an extent, I wasn’t fully aware of the programs and educational features offered to make learning more efficient and more organized.  Not only are there ways to learn information from others, but there are so many websites designed to help any student manage their time better.  This, in itself, is a great way to learn because you are able to plan out your time accordingly and discover when the most appropriate time to complete tasks and assignments might be.  There are also so many ways to communicate online whether it be chatrooms or blogs.  By creating and publishing my own blog, along with reading other students, I found out more about blogs in general and how informational they can be.  In the past I have read blogs for recreational purposes, but there are educational ones as well.  In addition, there are so many modules and videos out there from trustworthy sites to enhance learning outside of the classroom.  Finally, there are great academic resources to help with paper writing skills and citing resources.  All of these features are available in the click of a mouse and make learning so much more beneficial and time efficient.

The greatest thing I learned about myself was just how methodical I am.  I need everything to be in a certain order and I plan out my day to the hour.  By realizing this, I found online resources to help manage my time and, ironically, not waste too much time planning out my every move of the day.  In the past I have written and re-written so many daily notes, but by using programs such as google calendar and google tasks, I no longer waste time re-ordering when to complete tasks.  I can look at my list quickly and make adjustments without grabbing a new notepad and writing everything down in a new order.  I also learned that lots of unexpected things happen during the day and that no matter how perfect my google calendar looks at 8am, it is changed somehow by 8pm.  I learned to accept these changes and no longer fret them.

My most meaningful experience, because of the time management techniques I learned, would be making a new google account and using this application as my new daily calendar.  I can easily adjust my schedule and view my day by blocks instead of the usual list format.  This, along with the time tracker assignment, helped me to realize the time I spent of tasks everyday and helped me to embrace, not regret, spending time on myself after a stressful week of classes and exams.

Because of the online skills and learning techniques I learned this term, I can see myself continuing to use them, and also search for new sources as technology keeps improving.  There is so much out there to help with other assignments I will have while attending college, but also great time management and procrastination help when I have a career someday and life comes even more hectic.  These tools will forever be worthwhile and there are so many more out there that I am excited to explore!  The web has so much to offer these days and this course truly helped me take advantage of that.

Searching and Researching Effectively

Throughout my time taking college level courses in high school and two years of college courses at Ohio State, I have found that expectations are much higher for citations and sources used in college level papers.  It is no longer acceptable to type the topic of your paper into Google, and reference the first couple links that come up in the results.  As the expectations get higher in comparison to regular middle school or high school, it is important to know how to search the web effectively so that you find valuable sources and save yourself enough time to actually write the paper.

One of my first struggles with writing papers that needed numerous sources of reliable information was wasting so much time on skimming through results.  Just about every database these days has “advanced search” options to filter your results.  By using this tool, you can find exactly what you are looking for in a much more time efficient manner.  There are also key words to use when searching, such as characteristics referred to as “boolean logic”.  These include using the word AND, using quotation marks to keep your keywords together in the results, and OR if you want one key word in your result or the other key word.  These tips have as significantly sped up my time while searching for the best sources as fast as possible.

Lastly, it is important to evaluate the sources you use before using them in your paper.  Although Wikipedia is great for general information, it is no longer accepted in college as an appropriate citation.  Make sure that you are taking the time to check if the article is reliable, of quality, and of utility.  A few ways to check this is by making sure authors are listed and, preferably, their credentials as well, by making sure that the publisher has a good reputation, that the article is well written and that it is up to date, and that the article is related to your topic and is aimed at an appropriate audience.

These are just a few of the helpful ways I have found to make searching and researching more effective, so I hope they are worthwhile to you, too!

Note Taking Approaches

 There are so many effective ways to take notes these days, with technology always evolving, that most people fail to consider.  With college professors commonly posting powerpoint slides before lecture, there are great ways to still take notes even though the material is already in front of you.  Just because you have the information, it does NOT mean you can just sit back in class.  Students should strive to be active listeners and take notes in margins (if printed) or on the actual powerpoint (if on your computer).  By paying attention to what the professor is actually saying, notes will be easier to reference later on when you add in your own cues and reminders.

If your professor does not post the slides, there is still effective ways to take notes without feeling overwhelmed.  Try to set up a document on your computer or on notebook paper so that you are organized before even attending class.  Then, when being presented with the information, try to take notes on what is being said rather than just what is written on the slides or on the board.  Try to set notes up in the Cornell method where you write down the lecturer’s thoughts in the main section of the page, but leave room on the left side and on the bottom for your own notes and references and for final summaries of the material.

Lastly, an effective way to learn and enhance your notes on the web is to reference online podcasts and videos on the same topic that you are learning in class.  By listening to a new speaker who presents the information in a new way, more learning will take place and a better, overall understanding will be evident.  These are all great ways to improve your note taking skills so I highly recommend trying all of them and seeing what works best for you!


Educational Video


I found this video on Exercise and the Brain to be very informative and extremely interesting.  I have recently developed a passion for exercise and the physical and mental benefits I have gained because of it.  This video lists the physical benefits of exercise first and states that exercise helps with weight, strength, endurance, and flexibility.  It also mentions how 30 minutes a day is the recommended time to exercise based on the American College of Sports Medicine.  Another important point the video makes is the mental benefits of working out.  For example the speaker said that people that regularly exercise are 1/2 as likely to develop depression and how exercise is a great “high” emotionally.  The video depicted each of the main topics in a way that anyone can understand and appreciate.

This video enhanced my learning on the topic because it mentioned specific facts that I was unaware of, and it had a unique way of presenting the information.  By being more visually appealing and listening to such an enthusiastic voice, it made the video and learning more enjoyable.  Because I was already interested in the topic, it was easy to start the video and begin learning, but because the information was informative and uniquely presented, I was able to finish the video and fully take in the new material.

Web-Enhanced Reading and Study Strategies Blog Post

Although web-enhanced reading can be intimidating at first, there are multiple ways to make it more manageable and to successfully read online while understanding the material.  My first tip is to scan the text or website you are reading before jumping right into the content.  This makes it easier to know what to look out for while thoroughly reading.  I also recommend highlighting and taking side notes.  It is fairly easy to find online tools and websites that allow highlighting and annotations.  By taking notes while reading, you will be able to recall important information when reflecting on the material.  Next, I advise students to summarize each topic after a new paragraph or chapter of reading.

In regards to creative study skills, there are so many new resources to study more efficiently and effectively compared to just writing on paper.  The website I recently discovered was  This website allows you to create “mind maps” to draw lines to each topic relating to each other.  It is a great way to learn because you directly see the correlations between the subtopics of the material.  Another helpful resource is because it allows each creator to view the material or dates in chronological order.  This is a great way to remember the material.

Overall, learning and reading online can be much easier and more effective than most people anticipate, so I highly encourage all college students to do a little searching and find study resources to help everyone excel in all types of classes!

Using Technology for Group Assignments

If you’re a student like me, hopefully you’ve realized the benefits of using the Internet to collaborate on group projects instead of only relying on person-to-person contact.  If not, I have quite a few tips for you!  Although it is definitely beneficial to meet in person for group projects at least once, using the web to work and communicate can be a time-saver and make things easier for everyone.  First, it is important to assign roles for each member, but after following those decisions, it is smart to make sure to check up on each person’s work to make sure the assignment is the best it can possibly be.

The most efficient way to do this, in my opinion, is to set up a Google Document.  Everyone must create a google account, but it is so worthwhile.  Each member has access to the latest, edited version of any document, presentation, spreadsheet, or a mix of all.  As long as you have an Internet connection, everyone is able to be up to date on the latest changes and check each other’s work at all times.

Another important aspect of group work on the web is the communication.  Sometimes it is easier to set up a chat room or to Skype instead of the typical email responses.  If using Google Docs, a chat room-type set up is already available.  I am obviously biased towards Google and their applications, but there are many other ways to use the web to collaborate and communicate effectively on academic projects.  Make sure to check them out, and you will be forever grateful!