The symmetric notan doesn’t catch my interest as much as the others. It is very well done, but the composition has very little going on. There is a lot of black space inside the paper, and a lot of white space outside. I see what was trying to be done, and I do like the between the clouds or the wind. I think a better way to do this may have been to overlap the waves with the sun in the center, or possibly add some more shapes intertwined with the waves and on the outside.
The symmetric notan doesn’t catch my interest as much as the others. It is very well done, but the composition has very little going on. There is a lot of black space inside the paper, and a lot of white space outside. I see what was trying to be done, and I do like the between the clouds or the wind. I think a better way to do this may have been to overlap the waves with the sun in the center, or possibly add some more shapes intertwined with the waves and on the outside.