Asymmetric Notan

2 thoughts on “Asymmetric Notan

  1. I really enjoy this abstract notan. The very fine details that were added into this square really give it a sense of motion. The small yet plentify shapes help to really give it a nice balance of light and dark. The moons are similar to the one that I made, and I enjoy seeing the sharp edges, and contrasts of white and black. I also like how it almost looks symmetrical, but it’s just off enough to be abstract. I would call this a clean abstraction.

  2. I enjoy your Asymmetrical Notan in particular because it is the most visually interesting one to me. Its complexity makes it easy to stare at and continuously be interested. This Notan also has a very nice flow to it, due to how you split it into two parts (top/bottom) and made each side into very well balanced compositions individually and as a pair.

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