I’d like to do more volunteering in schools, but I don’t have a car to get me there.
I’d like to do more volunteering in schools, and I don’t have a car to get me there. I should find a way to get a ride with someone else or ride the bus.
I’d like to do more activities to help build my resume, but it’s hard to join clubs in the middle of a semester.
I’d like to do more activities to help build my resume, and it’s hard to join clubs in the middle of a semester. So I should look for clubs that start next semester or email a club’s leader asking what I need to do to join mid-semester.
I’d like to not work on four hours of math homework on Wednesday nights, but I’m always busy doing other homework on Monday and Tuesday.
I’d like to not work four hours of math homework on Wednesday nights, and I’m always busy doing other homework on Monday and Tuesday. I should work ahead on other classes’ homework on the weekends, so I can spread out doing my math homework during the weekdays.
I’d like to get an A in Human Nutrition, but I’m not good at science.
I’d like to get an A in Human Nutrition, and I’m not good at science. So I need to think of specific questions to ask my professor during office hours and devote more time to studying for that class.
I’d like to work out more, but I’m always busy doing homework at night.
I’d like to work out more, and I’m always busy doing homework at night. I should work ahead on my homework for the week during the weekends, so I have less work to do on weeknights and more time to work out.