10 members of the Kaspar Lab presented poster presentations on their ongoing research at the 2024 College of Dentistry Research Day held on March 1st.
Isabella Williams won 1st Place Undergraduate Student Presentation at the Awards Ceremony
Congrats to all the presenters for their hard work over the past year!
List of presentations:
Impact of ex vivo Saliva Conditions on Streptococci oralis Fitness
Allen Choi
Efficacy of Oral Healthcare Antimicrobials on Streptococcus mutans Clinical Isolates
Nicole Fleming
Utilizing Microscopy to Analyze and Interpret Oral Streptococci Interspecies Interactions
Sarah Klingerman
Changes in Streptococcus mutans Biofilm Formation During Growth in Human Saliva
Huizhen Lim
Development of Oral Bacteria Isolate Library from Human Saliva
Lindsey Pia
Streptococcus sanguinis Carbohydrate Utilization Pathways Impacts Competition with Streptococcus mutans
Iris Shin
Variation in Interspecies Interactions Amongst Clinical Isolates of Streptococcus mutans
Kacee Soehnlen
Antagonism of Cariogenic Bacteria is Driven by Hydrogen Peroxide
Jacob Tuckerman
Monitoring Competitive Interactions between Oral Streptococci in Altered Environments
Emily Williams
Quantification of Antagonistic Hydrogen Peroxide Production Across Streptococci Species
Isabella Williams