
Homework 12

March 24th 2021

The Secret of Drawing 3- All in the Mind

In the video “secret of drawing” I really enjoyed looking at George Grosz, Sol LeWitt, Sarah Simblet and Raphael. George Grosz, German Expressionist, his art was a lot of line and mixing of figures/faces to make a scene. One of his painting showed a bar scene with psychotic lines or madness, to show the Heart of Berlin and how the culture gone mad, and the deranged society. I thought this was really interesting because I’ve never seen something like it before. The same goes for Sol LeWitt, American Minimalist, she did the many yellow lines and it looks like one solid yellow box unless you look closer at it, the precision was amazing and since I don’t know much about art and I have seen a lot of art this was really interesting to look at and see how art can be so different. With Simblet and Raphael I was again amazed how well they show what they are feeling. Simblet liked to draw the anatomy of skulls and animals and she also showed her drawings of her emotions. She would close her eyes and try to draw what was happening in her head to show her emotions that she was feeling. Raphael painted so many people on one canvas, I didn’t even know it was possible. He used an 8 by 2 meter canvas to paint all of these portraits of the great frescoes commissioned by Pope Julius for his library. His idea of his painting was to bring all the great thinkers of the past into one space and have them interacting with each other.

Homework 6

February 12th 2021

Perspective reading and videos with bullet points


1.     Parallel perspective is the simplest of the geometric representations of the third dimension

2.     Perspective starts from the point of view of the observer, which is at the same height as the vanishing point.

3.     Dividing a shape into equal parts makes for a more accurate and precise drawing

4.     When drawing a landscape drawing, start with the general shape of the building then divide out into the different shapes within.

5.     When drawing furniture, start simple, the couch could start as a cube or prism.

6.     Knowledge of representation in perspective is a great help for spotting possible mistakes in construction.

7.     The only thing to take into account is that the lines parallel to the horizontal lines all recede toward the same, central vanishing point, and al the vertical lines decrease in size in the distance.


Homework 5

February 5th 2021

GE assignment research

List of seven artists that interest me:

  1. Lee Krasner
  2. Henri Matisse
  3. Wassily Kandinsky
  4. June Leaf
  5. Jim Shaw
  6. Maggi Hambling
  7. Unica Zurn

My top three artist:

  1. Lee Krasner
  2. Henri Matisse
  3. Wassily Kandinsky

Short Summary of my Top Three:

Lee Krasner born 1908 in Brooklyn always wanted to study and make art, her style is Abstract Expressionism, she was a force of nature, her art made you feel like she “squeezed the juice out of her imagery”. Henri Matisse born in 1869, a French artist, know for his use of color and fluid draughtsmanship. He was also a printmaker, and sculptor, but known mainly as a printer. Wassily Kandinsky born 1866 in Russia, he was a Russian printer, and art theorist. He is credited for pioneering abstract art.


Homework 3

January 29th 2021

Value, reading, bullet points and drawing

Bullet Points:

  • 9 step value scales is used most by artists
  • Values scales can help remind you of what you might be missing.
  • The tools you use could make a difference on your value scales range.
  • Strong contrast captures attention.
  • Value schemes can lead to a more cohesiveness of value in your work.


Homework 2

January 17th 2021

Summary to The secret life of drawing 1

The three most interesting artists from this video were Francis Wells, Cassiano dal Pozzo, and George Stubbs. I was amazed how Wells and Stubbs could draw the anatomy of things, whether it was a heart or a horse. It was really cool to see how well they drew these things and tried to understand them better,  I like when the surgeon modified how he was working on the heart valve because of what Wells drew centuries ago. Wells was not trying to draw the heart to be able for people to preform surgery on them he drew them so he could understand its functions and to have a hobby. By having this mindset, it allowed him to see the heart for what it is and its beauty and not just something that needs fixed as soon as possible.  The same thing goes for Stubbs, he was interested in the anatomy and the structure of a horse. He noticed that it is very similar to the human skeleton and got others to think about how that could be, and how it could relate to the human evolution. The other person that really caught my eye was Cassiano dal Pozzo, he was fascinated with birds and he and many others drew animals, fruits, vegetables, breast plates, armor, etc. This art can be found in his Paper Museum or in The Royal Library of Windsor, it amazes me how much art was kept in these two places and in such great condition, how detailed all these drawings are and how many people Pozzo got to go to the Paper Museum and draw with him.

Homework 1

January 17th 2021

