Year in Review

I would say my first year of college went very successfully. I enjoyed all my classes and finished first semester with a 4.0 GPA and second semester with a 3.9 GPA. I joined the Honors program and added a Spanish minor. As for my extracurriculars, I am in the Academic Affairs Committee of the Black Caucus in USG and I actively participate in LSAMP as a scholar. I also started a student organization with my friends called Minority Collegiate Outreach and Support Team (MCOST). This org aims to provide 6th-12th grade racial and ethnic minority students with collegiate mentors that will instill positive attitudes towards academic achievement, self-advocacy, STEAM exploration, and college preparation. MCOST utilizes intersectionality as an outreach mechanism to encourage youth to pursue higher education. I am the president of this org, and I am so excited to see what we do with it in the future. Starting this organization has bettered my leadership skills, and also allowed me to consider the impact I can make on the Columbus community and Ohio State. Additionally, I was accepted to be a Neuroscience ambassador. I also got a volunteer position at the Columbus Free Clinic starting virtually this summer, and continuing virtually/in person through next school year. Lastly, this summer I am doing clinical pharmacology research at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital through the Biomedical Research Internship for Minority Students (BRIMS) program. So far, I am on track to complete my goals as a pre-med student, and I am looking forward to continuously growing as a person, as a student, and as a leader.

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