Year in Review

My Year in Review: What I Learned in My First Year

I think the biggest thing I learned at my first year in Ohio State is that you have to be willing to step out of your comfort zone in order to enjoy college. This was something I didn’t really understand in high school, because we are always forced into doing certain activities by teachers or parents, but in college there is not that authority figure who is going to be able to tell you what to do. We have reached an age where people won’t always tell us what to do anymore, these are decisions that we must make by ourselves, and not joining more clubs that were outside my comfort zone was definitely a regret. Of course I am paying tuition to get a quality education, but there is also so much more that the school has to offer than this, like the networking with 60,000+ students. If I were to redo this first year, I would like to join more clubs whether they be related to my major or they are just for fun, as a way to meet new people and gain perspectives I wouldn’t be able to have before.


However in the other perspective, I think I also learned some life skills when it comes to an academic perspective. Very early on in the year, it became very clear that I was falling behind in some classes so I made the decision of organizing myself to the minute. Every Sunday, I now plan my entire week of when I am going to do an assignment, but I think this type of planning is very beneficial to someone like me who often forgets some of their responsibilities. So installing this planning ahead of schedule will allow me to give myself certain goals by the end of the day, and give myself a sense of fulfillment. I think this type of lifestyle will be beneficial in the future, as it will give me an organized life which is something that I need to be as productive as possible.