Family Crest

Pictures that I have chosen to put in my family crest:

Italian flag- I am 50% Italian, and my family is very proud. We include our heritage into our every day lives.

A feather- My family has a thing for feathers. We all have tattoos of one, and we all believe that we can relate to being a feather. You see one, and you think how nice and free they are. That is how we try to portray ourselves.

A picture of my grandma- She is where my family started and what keeps us going.

A picture of my 2 sisters and mom, dad, and step-dad- My sisters are my world. My dad passed away when I was in highschool and to keep him part of our family is very important. My mom and step-dad because they are what keeps my sisters and I afloat

Volleyball, running, lifting, and yoga pictures- The four things that keep me sane.

My dogs- Because life is pointless without them

My 4 year old Goddaughter- Because life did not even exist before her.

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