English Language Learners

Navigating the nuances of synchronous and asynchronous online platforms is challenging for students, but exponentially more challenging for those facing a language barrier. This video provides educators with professional learning strategies to improve instruction for their English language learners in a virtual environment.

Featured in this video was:

  • Belinda Gimbert, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University 
  • Leslie Moore, Associate Professor, The Ohio State University  
  • Theresa Eraybar, Principal, Eakin Elementary School, Columbus City Schools 
  • Rebecca ParkerSenior Project ManagerCenter on Education and Training for Employment   
  • Brenda Custodio, Teacher, Eakin Elementary School, Columbus City Schools   
  • Ebony Caldwell, Lecturer, The Ohio State University    
  • Christina Terrell, Teacher, The Ohio State University 



From Educators & Families for English Learners project, PI Belinda Gimbert:


Created to help Somali Bantu community understand the virus; how to stay safe and where to locate additional resources. https://youtu.be/yIhJ59vwgcw

COVID-19 Presentation (Spanish): https://youtu.be/gKjTNDwrlHQ COVID-19 | Presentation (Somali): https://youtu.be/-ek9llcD_zg


Book Bag Library Presentation

This video helped explained the Book Bag Library that was sent home with each student the day schools were abruptly closed due to COVID-19. It explained what was in the bag, why it was sent home and how parents could use with children to strengthen literacy. https://youtu.be/gZGE77pU2lg

Book Bag Library Presentation (Spanish): https://youtu.be/W4Dsd8uxXfI | Book Bag Library Presentation (Somali): https://youtu.be/ySX0kBcJ-7U


Video Food Services Presentation

This video helped explained the process for accessing breakfast and lunch (and eventually dinner) for students during the pandemic. It also outlined where families could access resources for additional needs during the pandemic crisis. https://youtu.be/VWvvpSqRqyM

Video Food Services Presentation (Spanish): https://youtu.be/OdK8NR7vpkY | Video Food Services Presentation (Somali): https://youtu.be/G67v0BJDBu4


Visit Library Website Presentation

Utilizing the local libraries was a challenge for EL families during the pandemic. This short video was created to explain how to access free library resources. Columbus City Schools created email account for all students which could then be utilized to gain access to local library resources. https://youtu.be/Kg1gM2hh1z0

Visit Library Website Presentation (Spanish): https://youtu.be/1d3og86b6xI | Visit Library Website Presentation (Somali): https://youtu.be/Zjh5llMaKag


Completing Emergency Cards

This video was created to assist families in completing the annual year emergency medical card that each student must have on file. When meeting with teachers, this was one of the biggest challenges due to language barriers and lack of knowledge about the importance of the information. Originally created for Somali’s Mother’s Meeting on March 14, 2020, this was going shared with those in attendance as a first step in resolving this challenge. Parent Kits were also created with items for preschool and early elementary children which included the item as well as an explanation of how to use with children. This explanation was written in Somali and English to improve written language skills. A follow-up meeting was scheduled for May 16, 2020. Each was cancelled due to the pandemic and schools being closed. Future dates are planned to hold these meetings and continue this effort. https://youtu.be/N5KPv5xVUnk


Mary Taylor

As a literacy coach, Mary Taylor explains the strategies used to promote fluency and comprehension. She links home and school with specific strategies in reading with your child at home. https://youtu.be/gsVeC92Q5SY


Child Reading with Sister

This content was recorded by Columbus City Schools for some specific district purposes. Project staff edited the raw footage to create this video that would have been used during the Somali’s Mother’s Meeting on March 14, 2020. Research has shown the importance of reading to children and this video shows specifics ways for older siblings to assist in building reading fluency and comprehension with younger siblings, while modeling for parents. The two sisters in the video are from Eakin Elementary School. https://youtu.be/KqqTYpLOEtM


Organizing Time and Space for Learning

Moving to virtual learning was as significant challenge for EL families during the pandemic. This short video was created to explain the importance of time and space for learning to occur and how to create such space for learners. This resource will also be of value for whatever the future holds for K12 education. Space and time for learning at home is critical. https://youtu.be/8jTaFl4mBtA

Organizing Time and Space for Learning Video 2: English https://youtu.be/6CeQ_9s4_0U | Somali https://youtu.be/DlL_lousg4c | Spanish https://youtu.be/FnGoD6nvvIk


Additional Resources