Homework 1:
Homework 2:
The video was quite interesting in talking about how art exists in everyday life and how it has influenced the modern world. A good example of this is Francis Wells, the heart surgeon using drawings to plan out his procedures and created detailed diagrams of the heart was really cool to see art used in such a practical matter. One thing that was almost disturbing was the use of his patients blood as a medium. Looking through the comments of the video I saw that other views felt the same way and it left me with a few questions about why he does this and if the patients ever know. I had never known very much about Leonardo Da Vinci prior to watching this video, but I find it very interesting how ahead of his time he was regarding medical knowledge. Taking into account how little resources he had at his disposal to do his medical research with makes it even more impressive. Lastly, Richard long, the ability to make art out of the very world we live in, and not in the sense of drawing it onto a paper. Physical art feels a lot more connected to the earth, for obvious reasons, but, I think as humans we take the earth for granted, his art allows us to appreciate the landscapes more and mother nature as a whole, every time he makes these crop circles its only a matter of time till mother nature destroys it.
Homework 3:
*I think it is interesting how most humans can only distinguish between 9 values and this is why artists do a value cahrt of usually 9 shades/values
*Different types of value charts can change the mood of the whole entire work, a mostly dark value chart will convey darker moods like night time for example
*Artists with less expereince mostly struggle to complete a full range of values mostly omitting the darkest values
*Contrast is what enables objects to be seen
* contrast can be used to direct the viewers attention to certain parts of the piece
Homework 4:
Homework 5:
Long list
1. Van Gough
2. George Grosz
3. Toulouse-Lautrec
4. Alberto Giacometti
5. Max Beckman
6. June Leaf
7. Jose Guadalupe Posada
Short List
1. Alberto GiacomettiI chose Alberto Giacometti since his sculptures immediately caught my interest. After reading what inspired his work I think its very cool how his work is about existentialism and the human condition. I also liked how small he made his sculptures from 1938-1944. Giacometti also kept notebooks and journals of his thoughts. I love the style of his sculptures and the emotions they portray.
2. June LeafI chose June leaf for her unique abstract drawings which portray a lot of emotions. She lived in Paris for some time to learn about art and to hone her skills. I like her piece Coney Island as it is one of her non abstract pieces yet portrays the same amount of emotion as her other abstract pieces.
3. Van GoughI chose Van Gough because he is arguably the most famous artist on the list and also one of the most influential artists for western art overall. His life story is also very intriguing as he experienced many obstacles including mental health issues with psychotic episodes which most likely contributed to his artist genius as well. Becoming known as a misunderstood genius is something that we see today with many people who are deemed crazy until after they have passed or gain recognition, Kanye West is a good example of this.
Homework 6:
- The vanishing point is always located on the horizon level
- The point of view of the observer is always the same height as the vanishing point
- Parallel perspective is always projected towards a single vanishing point and angular perspective must have 2 vanishing points
- It is important to keep lines parallel between edges
- Another common error for angular perspective is when parallel edges tend towards different vanishing points
- The mistakes in drawing a circle in perspective commonly come from drawing the square in perspective wrong
- You can divide a vertical space into equal parts by measuring the length of the space and then the intervals can be divided as often as necessary.