
Module 7: Keys to Motivation for Online Learning

This module was quite useful for me because I’m the type of student that gets easily distracted by the internet and social media. I might even consider using website blockers such as Freedom and Cold Turkey which were both mentioned in the lecture. Something that was mentioned in the module that I already do is using two separate Google accounts. One account is used only for schoolwork and the other is for other activities such as watching YouTube or surfing the news. I think this is useful because it keeps my emails and tabs more organized. I will continue to practice this method in the future. Another tip in the module was to use apps that will reward you for not using your phone. I’m really glad these apps were posted in the lecture because I really struggle with getting distracted by my phone while I’m studying. Now I can earn Chic-Fil-A coupons and 20% off codes for not using it!

Something else I can improve on that was mentioned is taking meaningful breaks while I’m studying. Recently for my breaks, I’ve been eating or using social media. A more meaningful break that I could replace using my phone with is working out in my basement or going for a run.

Module 6: Searching and Researching

This module blew my mind a little because I had never known about Google Scholar before this class. I have used Google Translate, Calendar, Slides, and some other ones. The only thing I didn’t really like about it was the fact that for a lot of the resources I found on it you only had access to the abstracts and you had to pay if you wanted the whole article. Also, I didn’t know how to tell if the papers were peer-reviewed or not. This is why I looked to other websites such as Mercola and MDPI to look for papers because for those you didn’t have to pay. Something I will look to do more of in the future is to evaluate the reliability, quality, and utility of the resources I find. In the past, I mainly just looked at the title of the articles that I found and skimmed the information instead of actually taking my time to read it. This module was probably the most useful to me because I’ll most likely have to write a lot of research papers throughout the rest of my college career. I’ve found that in college the graders of my work have been far more strict than they were in high school so using good resources is critical.

Module 5: Web-Enhanced Listening and Viewing Strategies

Some note-taking strategies that were mentioned in this module are some that I already have used. These strategies include the Outline Method, the Mind Map Method and the Write On The Slides Method. I like to use the Outline and Slides methods the most because, in my opinion, they are simpler and more organized than the others I’ve learned about. Mind maps can get messy and it seems as if the Flow method suffers from the same problem. A method that this module made me aware of for the first time is the Cornell method and I think it is very interesting. It consists of dividing your paper into a notes section, cues section, and summary section. I like this method because it seems organized but I feel like it would be more time consuming than the slides method. In class, you need to be quick while you’re taking notes and if you pause for too long you might miss important information.

Something from this module that I will put into practice in the future is trying to take notes on paper instead of on a device. I find it easier to take notes on my laptop or on my phone but according to the lecture you retain information better if you write it by hand (honestly I would prefer to not take notes at all lol).

Module 4: Web-enhancement

I hate homework readings. There is said it. They’re long, boring, and have too many words. Something I learned from this module is how to actually retain the information that I read from an online reading. A strategy that was mentioned is the SQER method and the  letters stand for Scan Question Read Recite Review. I will try using this in the future because I always have trouble reading from textbooks and online readings. I get intimidated by all the words on the page and the complex vocabulary that is sometimes used.  Another tip mentioned in the module was to highlight and annotate the reading. I’ve done this before for novels but never for textbooks or online text. I feel like underlining or highlighting really helps because it makes key concepts stand out to me and I can jump straight to the information I need when scanning a webpage. The module also talks about avoiding multitasking which is something I struggle to do. When I’m studying or doing homework I like to use my phone to check social media or listen to music or both. This can be distracting and I need to limit how much I use my cellular device.

Module 3: Efficiency and Time Managememt

Something that I learned in this module that I can use in the future is to limit distractions by only checking my email during certain parts of the day and putting my phone in another room while I’m working. I’ve thought about even buying a device that keeps things locked until a timer goes off. This would reduce the temptation to use my phone because it would be almost impossible (too bad I’m too broke to afford one of these lol). The module also gave good ideas on beating procrastination such as doing a warm-up task before starting an assignment. This is similar to what I’ve done before soccer games we would always do light jogging before beginning the actual game. Another tip given in the module was make a calendar that keeps track of all the things you need to complete over the next month. This keeps all your assignments organized in one place so that you don’t forget to do them. You can even set reminders on your phone that will pop up while your scrolling through Twitter or Instagram. I know that they help me when I need to be reminded of important events such as parties or concerts. One final thing I took a way from this module is that it always helps to picture yourself completing the task you want to do. This motivates you to start on the task and eventually finishing it.

Module 2: Netiquette

The most useful thing I learned today was that on the Internet “every time you press the send button you are creating a permanent footprint” (docstocTV). This is important to keep in mind because future employers have access to my social media accounts and they read my emails thoroughly. If they find something that does not abide by the rules of netiquette then they will look at me and my application less favorably.

Getting a job is a difficult process and one can never be too careful when it comes to how their person is viewed online. If one comes off as lazy or disrespectful then that is a red flag for employers. I want to have the best job possible when I get older and in order to do so one of the things I must do is to abide by the rules of netiquette and treat others how I would want to be treated.  I will have to pause and think before I send something on apps such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. These are apps where anyone can view my account and read the things I post publicly. An example of when I paused before I said something online is when someone commented something disrespectful under a tweet I posted. Instead of entertaining this person and arguing back I simply ignored them and went on with my day.