Meigs County Fair Event

015The first Blue Star Healthy Colon Initiative public event was held on August 15, 2013 at the Meigs County Fair. The exhibit featured an inflatable walk-through colon simulation (Super Colon) and personalized wellness plans for those at risk for colon cancer. Local nurses led 190 participants through the Super Colon with guided tours who learned about he progression of colon polyps and the imprtance of early detection for colon cancer. After the guided tour, participants completed a risk assessment quiz to determine their risk for colon cancer. Those who were considered at risk (45 adults) reviewed the 10 question risk assessment quiz with staff to develop a personalized wellness plan. Partilcipants were provided their completed quiz, wellness plan reccomendations, and educational materials.

The Blue Star Healthy Colon Initiative will provide the same exhibit at the Powell’s Food Fair’s Cancer Awareness Day on Wednesday, April 9th, 11am-6pm.


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