Research Poster Presentation

This is a photograph of my poster project I presented after my research internship at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in 2018. I created this poster by compiling all of my research into a clear and easy to understand representation to educate graduate students and doctors. I selected this artifact because I am extremely proud of it. When I did all of this research I was only 16 and a junior in high school. I am extremely grateful that I had such a memorable and educational opportunity so early on. By working on this project, I realized my love for research, and how different it is than a typical science class. I also learned the importance of working with a team. If there was one lab member responsible to autoclave the pipet tips, and they failed to do so, the whole lab would not be able to function effectively until that task is done. Each of us had a lot of responsibility, and it was up to us to ensure that we all did our roles. This skill transfers into almost every aspect of life, such as in college and with relationships. This work was challenging and throughout the process I made some mistakes, however, I learned that there is no effort without error. The biggest personal takeaway I learned from this experience is in any experience, hard work and tenacity always pays off.

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