
enjoy-the-arts-logo-2013This summer I will be serving at the Marketing & Outreach Intern for Enjoy the Arts, a non-profit organization that provides free cultural activities, arts access, and special events for people under 35 in the Greater Cincinnati area. In this position I will be tasked with many duties, such as assisting with communications (including social media, media outreach, and web/print marketing), compiling research, planning and implementing Enjoy the Arts’ community, university, and youth events, and finding artistic/community partnerships and cross-promotional opportunities. All of this experience will be highly applicable in pursuing my future ambitions of working in arts administration, and the skills gained will be transferable to many different communicative positions within the field. Additionally, in fulfilling the requirements of this role, I will be able to draw upon curricular knowledge gained through work in my major of Strategic Communications, and utilize abilities fostered through my extra-curricular position as Vice President of Mirrors Sophomore Class Honorary.

Read My Résumé Here: Courtney Johnson Résumé