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Details about the site:

BrainPopJr is a website that has hundreds of short flash based videos and activities for students in grades K-3. There are videos and activities that cover science, health, writing, reading, social studies, and math. This website has many features such as short animated movies, activities, writing prompts, and leveled quizzes. There are also lesson plans using BrainPopJr features that are aligned with the Common Core State Standards. There are a few videos and activities available on BrainPopJr for free, but in order to take advantage of everything the site has to offer, you must purchase a subscription. They offer classroom, school, district, family, homeschool, and virtual school subscriptions. With the classroom subscription, you can use the site in a single classroom with an interactive whiteboard, projector, or up to 3 computers, and it costs $145 for a year of access.

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Educational Uses:

You can find videos and activities to enhance a variety of different lessons across many content areas. You can show the videos and do the activities together as a class on the SmartBoard. You could also have students view the videos and complete the activities as part of a computer center.

Content Standards:

There are too many content standards that could apply to BrainPopJr to list them all here, and it is very easy to search the site for exactly what you need for your grade level and subject.

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Here is an example of just one of the videos and activities that can be used with a social studies lesson. The following Ohio Social Studies Standard is aligned with this video:

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Heritage-4. Nations are represented by symbols and practices. Symbols and practices of the United States include the American flag, Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem.

Assessment Tools:

Each video on BrainPopJr has an easy quiz and a hard quiz. The easy quiz is designed for students in K-1, and the hard quiz is designed for 2-3. Both of the quizzes are read aloud to the student. A quick way to assess student comprehension would be to complete the quiz as a class after viewing the video, discussing, and completing any activities. You could project the quiz on the SmartBoard, and give students their own white boards to write their answers and hold them up for the teacher to see. There is also the option to print out the quizzes.

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Value/Merit of Tool:

The variety of subjects covered, and interactive nature of the activities on BrainPopJr make it a great resource for teachers or students to use to enhance lessons. The fact that the site also has lesson plans that are searchable and align to the Common Core Standards makes it a tool that is easy for teachers to find exactly what they want for their classrooms. The movies would help get the children engaged in the topic. One of the only downsides I see to using this technology tool is the fact that it costs $145 per year for access in one classroom.

All Screenshots Created by Olivia Johnson from:

BrainPOP Jr. – K-3 Educational Movies, Quizzes, Lessons, and More!. (n.d.). BrainPOP Jr. – K-3 Educational Movies, Quizzes, Lessons, and More!. Retrieved February 23, 2014, from

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