Module 3: Efficiency in the Digital Age

A useful tip I learned in this module was the importance of creating a calendar to manage your time. Although this may seem simple a lot of people still don’t do it. A calendar helps you visualize your commitments in a more organized way (Slide 13). Oftentimes all the due dates for your assignments are in your head, but it is difficult to manage your time when they are all jumbled up there and not displayed in an easy-to-read format. Here are some tips I would recommend when you decide to make a calendar:

  1. Buy a planner or large calendar that has a monthly as well as daily breakdown so you can include due dates on the monthly breakdown and smaller to-do lists on the daily breakdown.
  2. Use different colors (markers, colored pencils, pens) to represent different activities or subjects. This will help you separate your assignments.
  3. Block off time in your calendar for free time. Although your calendar is important for your success in school or your job, it is also important to live a balanced lifestyle so include some time to relax.

These tips should help you be more successful in managing your time. It is important to realize that the calendar will not work perfectly every time, but it certainly is a better base than keeping everything up in your head. This past week I have taken my own advice and started writing a to-do list each day. Although every day has not been perfect, I feel like I have been able to get my assignments done more efficiently. Most of my assignments are due on Sunday which normally results in my Sundays being super chaotic, but this week I barely have anything left to do on Sunday. It is a good feeling to know that I can have a day to relax. I hope these tips help you manage your time better between all your different activities.

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