
Disputing the Inner Critic and Defender

Inner Critic

IC: You did so bad in the class because you are not good enough in math.

IG: Maybe I am not good enough in math, I can make up by working hard.

IC: You did so bad because you have no idea about how to prepare for tests.

IG: I did not know how to prepare for the test indeed, but I can learn to do it and nail it.

IC: You did badly in the test because you are stupid.

IG: I might be stupid in math, but I must be smart in some other subjects.


Inner Defender

ID: You failed the test because your classmates are much better than you.

IG: Although I did worse than them in the test, they are also humans, I can still catch up by studying hard.

ID: You failed because the instructor did not make his points clear.

IG: If I think the instructor did not make it clear, go and ask him.

ID: You failed because there are too many problems in the test.

IG: I failed to finish the exam, so I need to practice doing math problem quicker.


Changing my inner conversation helps me to find out that there is no problem cannot be solved and no excuse to not do well in class.

The only way to get good grades is to study hard instead of finding pretexts.

Speaking Like a Creator Instead of a Victim

This is how creators speak:

  1. I will find a way other than driving to campus to prevent me from being late.
  2. I will find an easier way to navigate the online course website like put it into my favorite then I can nail the class.
  3. Although I feel a little bit shy to ask some questions that I am confused about, I must figure them out since it will improve my study skills.
  4. Although the instructor is lousy, I can study by myself after class can still nail the class.
  5. Although my teammates are lazy in doing work, I can encourage them to participate and do well in projects.
  6. I think I am not good enough in writing, so I will work hard to improve my writing skill.
  7. My friend made me so angry. However, that should not be the reason why I did bad in exams. I should not be disturbed.
  8. I will do my best in all the incoming semesters.
  9. This financial aid form is pretty complicated. However, I need this money, so I must fill it out.
  10. I didn’t do the homework because I did not manage my time well and failed to squeeze time for they.

Doing so will make your life more active and positive.

Online Study Time Management

For online courses, time and task management is crucial since there is no fixed time for us to finish a specific task. It is also easy to forget about an assignment since online courses do not have much interaction with the instructor. For the reasons above, we need to schedule wisely. My way is to split a large task (like a 1000-word paper) into small parts in order to finish it separately. For instance, I can split a paper into 5 parts: Intro, 1st body paragraph, 2nd body paragraph, 3rd body paragraph and conclusion. If I start working on it 3 days before it is due, I can finish the intro and 1st body paragraph the first day since I may not able to come up with so many ideas in a short time. After I finish lunch the second day, I may have some new ideas about it. Then it will be a good time to write down the second paragraph. When I have some ideas about the third paragraph, I will write down the third one and the conclusion. An important thing to know is that, all these periods are not fixed and can be changed based on the time available, which is one of the advantages of online courses. Another problem is that, people procrastinate a lot when they do assignments of online courses since they are not that urgent.