Week 6 (DL)

  • Who are the subjects in Elle’s photos? How do they choose their subjects?
    • everyday objects and people that have flaws or things people would not normally photograph
    • related to the photographer by strong relationships
  • What does Elle point out as important in a portrait? How does this deviate from typical ideas around what a portrait is?
    • it is natural and not staged and effortless
  • How does Elle connect their identity as a queer artist with the way they make work?
    • the subjects in the pictures are related to elle and the lifestyle of elle
  • How does Cuevas expand the definition of drawing in her work?
    • she does research for her drawings and research comes first drawings just happen to follow
  • In what ways does she shift typical ideas around political activism and social change?
    • she shows what is currently happening not taking a side just showing what is happening
  • How does her work open up ideas for you about your own civic engagement? Do you find yourself agreeing with her or wanting to challenge her ideas?
    • I believe her art shows what is wrong in the world and what needs to be changed. I agree with her work and ideas, we should help countries with low wealth.

Jeff wall:

Jeff Wall’s art resonated with me because it is mysterious. He breaks norms by not knowing if something is staged or if it is natural. No one can tell what the real picture would look like if he did nothing to it. It makes you think is what you are seeing reality.

  • How have your ideas changed around what drawing is/can be? If so, explain.
    • Personally I think drawings are a piece of paper with some sort or writing utensil and pictures are photos, if you use paint that’s a painting they don’t mix.
  • What has been the most challenging part of the class?
    • I am not the best drawer at all so just trying to get things to look like what I am looking at
  • What aspect/assignment/part of the class has been the most relevant to you/your life?
    • Project 2 because it is very similar to drawings i do in engineering
  • What aspect/assignment/part of the class has been the least relevant to you/your life?
    • Most of the other assignments have been just because I never draw in my life
  • Where do you want to most improve in your drawings going forward (can be in terms of technique, concentration, understanding of art, anything)?
    • Be able to see something and sketch it so you can tell what it is.

Project 1 update (DL) week 4

I finished research for my artist, Jasper Johns. I found a really good video talking about his work as well as a book where he has a chapter dedicated to him. I have decided that I will write about 3 of his artworks, Flag, Maps, and 0-9.