Communicating online

The most useful thing I learned in this module is about communicating online. There is a fact that people sitting in front of the screen at the other end could not see my face(emotion) and hear my voice(tones). So we should use as many simple words as we can to effectively and efficiently express what we want to tell. We should try to avoid sentences like sarcasm or slang, which is understood better under context and tones. This kind of sentence may probably give ambiguous meaning to other people. We should just tell it straightly.

This idea makes me think more deeply about another thing. Empathy is a way of thinking about dealing with interpersonal relationships that put oneself in the position for the sake of others, that is, thinks about what people think and understands first. People must understand and trust each other, and they must learn to think about empathy. This is the basis of interpersonal communication: mutual tolerance, understanding, and more thinking from the perspective of others. Empathy is an extremely important skill in today’s society. The idea above is somehow a kind of empathy. Before we say or do something, just stand at the others’ position. Think about in what ways they will receive the information I give? How will they feel at their point? Communicating online is just a tiny part in our life, however, empathy will probably influence our life continuously.

Reference: Slide 5, 

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