About Me

My name is Jeremy Jiang.  I am a first generation college student at The Ohio State University with plans to major in aerospace engineering.  Moving to Columbus from my hometown of over eleven years was definitely a strange transition.  I come from New Philadelphia, Ohio, which is a small town where almost everyone knows each other in some way.  I was somewhat involved with my high school, as I played sports and joined certain clubs such as the chess club, Spanish club, and mock trial.   My sports experience included five years of tennis and eight years of soccer despite being a poor athlete.  There was one instance where I left my comfort zone and came out for the high school play.  Despite all of these activities, my academics remained strong.  I never had to work too hard to maintain my grades in school, but I expect that to change now that I am at The Ohio State University.

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Top 5 Strengths Insight Report

  1. Idealation-I was not surprised by this trait being my top strength.  I enjoy having to critically think in order to come up with multiple solutions to a certain problem or project.  I generally input more ideas and proposals than my team members in a project that requires personal input and these types of assignments typically energize me.
  2. Relator-This trait is also quite prevalent in me.  I am often brutally honest and humble about my abilities with my teammates and I feel that this allows them to see and understand me for who I truly am.  I also enjoy helping others when they struggle with certain tasks even if I have a hard time doing that task.  I believe that this is the best way to change a colleague into a friend, and I want to work with people who are my friends.
  3. Command-I have been told that I often like to take control of situations and be a leader.  I do not see this as me trying to assume command, but simply trying to get whatever task done to the best of the group’s potential.  This trait must be prevalent directly because of my strength in Idealation.
  4. Adaptability-This trait was quite strange for me to have especially with Idealation and Command in my top five strengths.  However, I guess this means that I am quite well rounded in working with the ideas of others.  Despite wanting to be in control, I have learned that sometimes it is best to let loose and put my faith in the abilities of others.
  5. Arranger-I would always try and bring out the best in my teammates when we work together. I believe that the best way to succeed as a group is to merge all of the individual talents, skills, etc. into one driving force. This trait is definitely visible in me, for I firmly believe that if each person in a group capitalizes on his/her own talent to contribute in a project, then the group will most definitely succeed.