Module 5

The most important or useful thing I learned this week was the importance of note taking, what makes note taking effective, and how you should take notes.What makes note taking important, is the fact that without having notes, studying becomes way harder. Having notes is almost a cheat sheet because you have all of the important information that you will need organized well right in front of you. Notes are the keys to success and being a good student. What makes effective note taking effective is the attention to detail.  If you take detailed notes and keep them organized, when it comes time to studying them it will be very easy to follow along and help you retain the  information. It is also very important to find out what style of note taking is best for you. If your notes aren’t put in a way that you can follow along, they’re essentially useless. When taking notes you always want to put the date, class, and the tittle or the main talking points of the class. When taking notes it is also helpful to have an introduction, it is a great tool to have and will also make retaining information easier. You will have more knowledge and understanding if you do this.

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