Mia’s G.O.A.L.S.

Global Awareness:

The world is full of so many cultures, languages, and experience and I aspire to learn and immerse myself in as many as possible that way I can better understand the people in which I share this planet with. As an African American, I wish to understand the culture in which my ancestors grew up with. I do not know where my lineage comes from, but I do know that I wish to immerse myself in the African culture. To do so, I plan on taking AFAMAST courses here at OSU.

Original Inquiry:

I have always been curious with the brain and how it works. The fact that I am typing this sentence amazes me. How does millions of billions of cells make me who I am? I plan to do research on the structure of the brain and its functions. I aspire to be a pediatric surgeon or pediatrician, so learning about the developing brain is something I wish to pursue.

Academic Enrichment:

As a neuroscience major, I wish to further understand both the behavioral and cognitive aspects of the brain and how it makes me who I am today. Something I want to do is further understand myself and my background. This is the reason why I chose to major in neuroscience and why I plan to gear my GE requirements towards the AFAMAST department. This will not only aide me to achieve my goal career, but also to spread the knowledge of my ancestors to my future lineage.

Leadership Development:

I am a Biological Sciences Scholar, Morrill Scholar, and LSAMP Scholar. As a current freshmen, my involvement in all three of these scholars is very small, however, I do wish to become an LSAMP mentor and a leader in the Biological Sciences Scholars program. My involvement in these three programs all aid to my success at OSU and in the neuroscience department. I have been provided many resources within ODI and the Biological Sciences Scholars program to develop networking skills as well as tutoring resources that way I can truly be successful on campus.

Service Engagement:

As of right now and with the circumstances that have become the world’s new normal, I have not been able to secure any long term volunteering commitments. However, during the summer, of things get back to pre-Covid times, I will volunteer at Camp LINK and during the school year at Nationwide Children’s hospital and the Huckleberry House.

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