Why it is Important, and What to Know About Finding an Internship

Although not always necessary, an internship can help one out immensely when trying to find a good job in their field of study. There are no negatives on getting an internship, just positives. It’ll help you with things such as jump starting one’s career by helping with networking, gaining experience, and many more options. The following will be more resources on why an internship is important, and what to know about finding one.



I want to start out with an article that mainly talks about the benefits of finding an internship before getting into more of the how. The article is called “8 Benefits of an Internship” and it is pretty current as it was published in 2018 by Fremont College.  The article first starts on clarifying what an internship is and what an unpaid and paid internship means. It also touches briefly on how to find one, but it mainly goes into the benefits of one for example experience and gaining more skills.

8 Benefits of an Internship



Although published in 2012, its still a good resource on finding an internship. What makes this book good is that it will not only help one with finding an internship, but with steps leading up to one too such as building a resume, and it also will tell you why finding an internship is important. It also includes many tips on what to do and what not to do during the finding internship process that one might find helpful. The author of this book, Lauren Berger, is founder and CEO of CareerQueen.com and InternQueen.com. She has also completed 15 internships during her 4 year college career, so it would seem that she has extensive and credible knowledge on this topic, and it has shown as she has helped millions of people when it comes to finding internships.



This is another excellent resource when it comes to finding an internship. It is a well formatted, long, detailed video, with timestamps in the description so you know what topics he is talking about and at what time. Some topics he talks about includes, building your resume, why it is important to find an internship, career fairs, and many more. This video was uploaded in 2015, although it is still pretty relevant. Matt Tran, the creator of this video otherwise known as Engineered Truth, is an engineer and YouTuber who produces many videos about careers in STEM fields. I have watched him in the past when researching careers and he seems to have a lot of extensive knowledge in many different fields, even going as far as to interviewing people in those fields. For this reason, and because of his detailed video, it seems like his advice is very reliable, especially since the premise of his channel is helping out people who have question in STEM careers and giving them advice.




I also found a blog by writer Tom Gerencer, a resume expert and career advice writer as stated by his “About Him” profile. Although blogs are not always reliable as anyone can write a blog, this person seems pretty credible as he has been featured in many news and magazines such as ABC, Business Insider, and NBC. So its not just a casual blog, but more of a formal one. The blog itself titled “Resume Expert, Career Advice Writer” was just recently updated on November 11th of 2019, so this blog is up to date with everything it is talking about. This blog focuses more on finding an internship quickly. It also has a very nice layout so one can easily understand the tips and tricks.





The next resource is pretty reliable as it is a scholarly peer reviewed article.  The article is called “College major, internship experience, and employment opportunities: Estimates from a resume audit” uploaded on 2016 so it is also pretty relevant. It is also written by a couple of authors, all from the department of economics from different Universities. This article very much emphasizes on how internships can be a way better experience for future employment than other things, even a degree (depending on ones major). Unlike the other resources, instead of just saying why it is important, it shows some statistics.
