Why Making a Plan is Important

This course has taught me about the importance of making a plan, or a schedule, of some sort. By this, I mean more along the lines of a list of some sort of things that one needs to accomplish. For example, during week 3 of our modules during this course, we had to create a Trello board with whatever tasks/projects we wanted to list that we wanted to complete. I myself, barely every plan out what I am going to do, I take my tasks day by day. Although, when I created a Trello board, I listed the tasks and assignments I had to do, what I was currently working on, and what I had completed already. The take away from this story is by making a plan, a board on Trello, it had me completing the tasks I had to do more quickly and more efficiently. Since I know what I had to do for the week, I was able to spread out my work throughout the week instead of getting it done in one day. Since then, I have been making post it notes on my laptop similar to my Trello board. So in conclusion, making a plan that works for you will really help out with being able to manage ones time.

Best Way to Stay Motivated

Motivation is really important when it comes to completing tasks. From this course, I learned that the best way to stay motivated is by setting goals. Although that sounds very simple, it is more complex. A type of goal that we learned during this course is called a SMART goal. A SMART goal stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. Setting a goal that follows the SMART guidelines will really help one be able to complete ones goal better than making a random goal. The reason for this is because one could make a very broad goal, but the SMART guidelines will make your goal be very specific and achievable

3 Takeaways From ESLTECH 2011

The first take away that I have gotten from this course is the importance of keeping up with the tasks in online courses. With online courses, one is more independent with the tasks at hand, so to succeed, you have to get yourself to participate in the tasks and lectures on your own time. So if you slack off at any point, you will have a lot to make up, and it could also be too late. Another takeaway I got from this course, that kind of ties into my last point, is managing ones time. Since one has to be more independent in an online course, one will have to figure out the best and most efficient way to work on ones online course. Unlike with in-person classes where one has a set time to show up, online courses do not have that. My last takeaway from this course is that there are so many resources and technology that one can use. Every week in our modules, a lot of new technology resources were introduced to us, including some resources on campus. I will hope to use some of them in the future.