Face Swap

I chose to use my mom to face swap because I admire how understanding she always is and her patience. I also admire how she always helps anyone she can. This image represents these qualities because I can see myself being able to help people the way she does. When creating this face swap I used the marquee tool and the brush tool with a layer mainly. It was difficult for me to make the glasses fit nicely but I figured it out with lots of adjusting. The tutorial I tried to use was more difficult than the one I used for the Mona Lisa swap, so I referred back to that tutorial often. Explaining this technique to another student would not be too difficult because I found these projects fun and have done additional face swaps since these.

Face swap tutorial: http://clippingpathking.com/blog/2016/03/18/how-to-swap-faces-in-photoshop-cs6-easily/