Elements and Principles

Elements of art:

Line: This drawing has lots of lines.

Shape: There are different shapes in this 3D object.

Color: These concert lights provide different colors.

Value: The darkness of the clouds on the bottom right compared to the brightness of the clouds toward the middle show value.

Form: This object is 3D and shows depth.

Texture: My dog’s fur has texture.

Space: My dog is positive space, whereas the grass is negative space.

Balance: The two performers on one side balance the other two performers on the other side.

Contrast: The darkness of the statue contrasts with the lightness of the walls.

Emphasis: The letters are in red to emphasize them.

Movement: The light reflecting the snow shows movement.

Pattern: The repeated columns show a pattern.

Proportion: The people in the picture compared to the columns and building show a proportion.

Alignment: The way the pizza is sliced and the repetition of pieces shows alignment.

Unity: The placement and the number of objects in this image make the image unified.



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