
Welcome to our curated exhibit of literacy narratives from the Muslim immigrant community of Black Columbus! On this site you can browse our research group’s documentation of our research questions, previous community interviews, detailed analytical reflections, and more information about our endeavors over the past semester.

Briefing ourselves using academic and expository articles concerning the Black Muslim immigrant community in the US, we originally drafted a set of research questions that we sought to explore within our own Columbus community. Reaching out to various contacts throughout the university, metropolitan, and suburban communities, we were able to interview five people who told us their stories.

There were many challenges posed by our general status as outsiders in a very politically tense climate, and our narratives potentially reflect such a situation: our response rate to research inquiries was low, all of our interviewees were male, and some participants were hesitant about being recorded. Nonetheless, we would like to thank all those community partners involved for coming forward to share their personal stories with us, and we hope they prove as enriching to you as they did to us.