Pest Visualization

Fruit and Vegetable Pests (alphabetical) – 2022

Apple Maggot : Beet Armyworm : Black Cutworm : Brown Marmorated SB : Codling Moth : Corn Earworm : European Corn Borer : Grape Berry Moth : Oriental Fruit Moth : Spotted Wing Drosophila : Squash Vine Borer : Variegated Cutworm

Apple Maggot

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Beet Armyworm

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Black Cutworm

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Brown Marmorated Stink Bug

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Codling Moth
Codling moth is a major pest of apples in the Midwest. Using trap data, we can establish a biofix (1st sustained catch of moth/trap) and inform when management should begin. Use a threshold of ~200 degree-days to determine when insecticide applications should begin to control codling moth in orchards. For more details about application timing, take a look at this recent VegNet blog article.

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Corn Earworm

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European Corn Borer

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Grape Berry Moth

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Oriental Fruit Moth –

Similar to other apple pests, monitoring for oriental fruit moth (OFM) can help establish a biofix (1st sustained catch of moth/trap) and inform when management should begin. Approximately, 350 degree-days after the biofix date insecticide sprays should be applied to tree to control the first brood of OFM. Traps that have caught ≥10 moths per trap/week should also take action to control subsequent generations. Take special care to note any damage as this would also require an insecticide application.

Several insecticide materials are listed for the control of OFM in apple and peach, look at the 2021-2022 Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide for up-to-date options on best products.

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Spotted Wing Drosophila

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Squash Vine Borer –

Squash vine borer (SVB) is a serious threat to many cucurbits. Careful monitoring of this pest is critical when determining insecticide application timing. When SVB begins to emerge (~early June) insecticide applications should be directed at stem bases on 7 to 10-day intervals. This approach will target newly laid eggs or hatched larvae that will be vulnerable to insecticide treatments.

Typically, pyrethroids are used to control this pest. However, consult your 2022-2023 Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers to get the most current pesticide recommendations.

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Variegated Cutworm

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