Lacquered Soup Bowl
Included in Daily Life box, Visual Arts box
- Description: Lacquer bowl used to hold various types of Japanese soup. Traditionally made out of wood, the bowl is then coated with many layers of plant resin (urushi oil) taken from the Lacquer Tree. Glossy and smooth, they are often decorated with bright paint and intricate designs. Found in Japan from as early as 5,500 years ago, lacquer ware, or Shikki, has become a daily part of Japanese life. In modern times, soup bowls for daily household use are often made out of plastic, and are designed to resemble lacquer ware.
For more information, visit:
- Lesson Plans
- An Introduction to Japanese Food
- Cultural Differences in the Diet of American and Japanese Families
- Soy Sauce – Ohio Delegation Group (YJT) 2006
- Tofu – Ohio Delegation Group (YJT) 2005
- Standard Reference
(If you know of another standard that may link to this item, please add it to the comment box below.)- English Language Arts:
- Grades K-2: Speaking and Listening Standards – #6
- Grades K-2: Writing Standards – #6
- Social Studies:
- Grade K: A Child’s Place in Time – #3
- Grade K: A Child’s Place in Time – #8
- Grade K: A Child’s Place in Time – #12
- Grade 1: Families Now and Long Ago, Near and Far – #12
- Grade 1: Families Now and Long Ago, Near and Far – #13
- English Language Arts: