Restaurant / Food Menu
Included in Daily Life box, Literature box
- Description: This is an example of McDonald’s food menu during the spring in Japan. Since cherry blossoms are in bloom at this time, the menu has a cherry blossom theme, using the flower as a flavor for sauces and drinks.
- Other Menus
- Lesson Plans
Standard Reference
(If you know of another standard that may link to this item, please add it to the comment box below.)
- English Language Arts:
- Grade K: Speaking and Listening Standards – #1, #2, #5
- Grade K: Language Standards – #6
- Grade 1: Speaking and Listening Standards – #1, #2, #3, #5
- Grade 2: Speaking and Listening Standards – #1, #2, #3, #5, #6
- Social Studies:
- Grade K: A Child’s Place in Time – #3
- Grade K: A Child’s Place in Time – #8
- Grade K: A Child’s Place in Time – #12
- Grade 1: Families Now and Long Ago, Near and Far – #12
- Grade 1: Families Now and Long Ago, Near and Far – #13
- Visual Arts: