Art: Washi Postcard


Washi Postcard

Included in Visual Arts box

  • Description: Traditional Japanese paper (wa – Japanese, shi – paper) made out of fibers taken from the kozo, mitsumata, and gampi plants.  Known for its strength, translucency, flexibility, and absorbency, washi is used for printing, calligraphy, collages, bookbinding, lamp covers, decoration, and as screens on shutters/blinds.
    For more information, visit:
  • Standard Reference
    (If you know of another standard that may link to this item, please add it to the comment box below.)

    • English Language Arts: 
      • Grade K-1: Reading Standards for Informational Texts – #1, #2, #3, #4, #7, #9
      • Grade K: Reading Standards for Literature – #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, # 7, #9
      • Grade K: Speaking and Listening Standards – #1, #3, #4, #5, #6
      • Grade K: Foundational Skills – #1, #2b, #2c, #2e, #4
      • Grade K: Language Standards – #2, #6
      • Grade K-1: Writing Standards – #8
      • Grade 1: Reading Standards for Literature – #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #9, #10
      • Grade 1-2: Speaking and Listening Standards – #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6
      • Grade 1: Foundational Skills – #2b, #4c
      • Grade 1-2: Language Standards – #6
      • Grade 2: Reading Standards for Informational Texts – #6, #7, #9, #10
      • Grade 2: Reading Standards for Literature – #2, #4, #9, #10
      • Grade 2: Foundational Skills – #4c
      • Grade 2: Writing Standards – #7, #8
      • Grade 3: Reading Standards for Informational Texts – #1
      • Grade 3: Reading Standards for Literature – #2
      • Grade 3: Speaking and Listening Standards – #1b
      • Grade 3: Foundational Skills – #4c
    • Visual Arts:

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