
Dr. Houser Interviewed by High-Impact Media Outlets

In response to the release of the Hollywood movie Twisters, I have been contacted by a plethora of media outlets to talk about the science, the experience filming, and my overall impressions of the movie. Some interviews are found below:

Scientific American Ask Me Anything

Scientific American Short Documentary on Tornadoes and Tornadogenesis

Dr. Houser Acknowledged for her role in the Hollywood production “Twisters”

During the spring of 2023, I spent three weeks storm chasing in the Central US, working with cinematographer Sean Casey, and fellow meteorologist Justin Walker to help with the production of “Twisters”. We were tasked with getting film footage of dark skies, strong winds, and ominous clouds that could be used on the green screen behind the actors and as B-roll footage. My role in this capacity was to get our crew to the right place to film potentially tornadic storms, including forecast support, navigation, and driving. This work landed me in the credits of the movie!

Dr. Houser wins College of Engineering Building Bridges Award

The “Building Bridges” Excellence Award for the College of Engineering was established in 2007. The award is presented each year to a non-COE faculty member at The Ohio State University whose collaborative work with the College of Engineering has advanced the excellence, impact and reputation of both colleges and the University. The award will be made to an individual faculty member outside of the College of Engineering for demonstrated excellence and accomplishment in the development and implementation of collaborative activities and programs between their academic unit and the College of Engineering. Consideration will be given to how this collaboration advances excellence and impact in education, research, and/or outreach and engagement of both organizations.

Dr. Houser wins Good to Great award

Doctor Houser has won the prestigious internal Good to Great award of $1.75 Million to acquire a mobile weather radar for research and teaching purposes. The award, made by the Office of Academic Affairs at Ohio State University, will also provide funds for general improvements to the Atmospheric Science Program through a new faculty position, field testing of the new radar, and student travel awards for conference attendance.