Year in Review

This past year has offered many different opportunities and experiences that were different from my first year at OSU. Academically, I started my first major class for Chemical Engineering in the Autumn semester. This shift in classes focused more on my specific interests rather than the overarching goals of engineering that I had seen in my first year. I enjoyed being able to push myself intellectually as the concepts were presented in a different way to what I was used to. This year began to push my knowledge and made me draw on concepts I have learned over the past few years in ways my first-year classes didn’t as much. I also developed my time management skills more with my academic schedule as more classes required more time spent with them. Furthermore, with the shift to mostly online courses for the fall semester I feel I became a more self-reliant learner as I wasn’t in a class with all of my peers all the time. I began to go deeper into the topics and relied on myself more to understand topics rather than always going to others in my class for help. Academically I also feel I progressed by better adapting to new styles of teaching, especially online than I had in the spring semester of first year.

During my spring semester of second year, I had the opportunity to complete an internship with pH Matter, an energy and materials company. Professionally, this was my first internship, and the wealth of knowledge I have gained I believe will help me in the future with the rest of my major classes and internships. Through this internship, I have been exposed to how research and development works, learned how specific instrumentation works, and was a part of multiple teams working on projects dealing with catalyst synthesis, batteries, fuel cell supports, and catalysts. This internship has provided me first-hand experience with these topics and has allowed me to see what areas I enjoy within chemical engineering and what I want to pursue further into my major at OSU. I have been able to develop a clearer goal of what I want to get out of my major and the path I want to follow, which as of right now is an environmental focus within chemical engineering. This experience has also made me want to explore other areas where chemical engineering is used not just in research and development, but I also want to look at areas of manufacturing or plant work.

During my second year at OSU, I feel like I have developed a lot personally. In my first year, I remember focusing heavily on school rather than on taking time to spend with my friends. However, with everything being online and the restrictions, I feel like I realized the importance of taking time away from school to spend with friends. Thus, I feel like I did a better job of taking time both to myself and to spend with my roommates this year compared to my first year. I also feel that I developed my communication and confidence skills this year as I continued to be a teaching assistant for chemistry for another semester. Compared to my first semester teaching in my first year, I was more confident in my teaching. I feel like this then translated to the lab, where I was more communicative, better at assessing the class, and created better solutions to problems that arose in the lab.

During the summer, I have two major plans. I am continuing my spring internship through the summer, which I think will help me delve into the topics that I have begun to learn about more. The next big part is I’m taking two summer classes for school, which I feel will be a good way to come back to classes after taking a semester off.

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