Artifact #2

Green Columbus Lesson Plan 1

FLOW Lesson Plan 1

A new experience that I have had in the past few months is working on my Legacy Week project with my team. I am a part of Team Environment and one of the lead builders in our group. Through this project, I have learned a lot especially in terms of service project creation. I have never had to create a service project where I am coming up with the details of the event and planning all the steps. In high school, I would sign up for an event and then go to it. I never thought about the process of creating events and all the different things you have to think about to get a project to completion. Through Legacy Week I am learning how to not only create an event but also come up with a lesson plan and thinking of all the details that go along with a project. Legacy Week has impacted me in many ways. It has taught me a new perspective on how I view service projects. I used to only look at it from the point of view of “I am helping somebody who needs it,” but through this project, I have learned that when you go into a project you need to think of how a project helps the group’s needs. The project that you do needs to align with what they need and fulfills their goals not just what you want to do do help. This experience has provided me also with a new understanding of how to approach a service project because there are different steps to follow in order to successfully organize a project starting with talking to agencies, then determining their needs, then coming up with project ideas and finally working on a lesson plan of the event. My artifact is the first part of our lesson plans for the projects our group are creating. I chose this part of our project development because this was the first time where I saw how all the parts of our project development came together. We took all of our brainstorming and created our basic plan of the event and started to come up with a plan of items we had to finish to get the project done. This part of the process showed me how much thought you have to give creating a project and how there is so much more to project development. I hope to gain more knowledge of how to create projects and am able to use these skills in various other areas of my life whether it be through creating more service projects or creating other projects for classes/other jobs in my future.