
Handouts for Plenary Sessions and Abstracts of the Video Based Cases are found on this page

These handouts are for the educational use of registered attendees for the IV STEP conference. The contents are the copyrighted property of the authors and the APTA and cannot be redistributed. The files are password protected to prevent unauthorized use. You may print a personal copy, but you may not duplicate for distribution, scan into an electronic system for alteration, or use the images or intellectual property contained herein without express written permission from the authors and the APTA*.

Handouts for Plenary Sessions

Thursday, July 14th

Friday, July 15th

Saturday, July 16th

Sunday, July 17th

Monday, July 18th

Tuesday, July 19th

Abstracts of Video Based Cases

* This level of security is necessary because the authors have included unpublished research data and the contents of these handouts will form the basis of future publications. The authors were each promised this security in exchange for providing their handouts.