IT Strategy Lunch and Learn

On Wednesday, the IT Strategy Team presented our FY18 goals in Mount Hall as part of OCIO’s lunch and learn series. In our presentation we talked about how now, more than ever, the success of IT at Ohio state depends on strong collaboration between central and distributed IT units. We also talked about the need to provide services that are enablers of teaching, research and service and not blockers.

In our presentation we discussed the benefits of leveraging the strategic direction in FY18:

  • Seamless technology experience for students, faculty, staff, visitors
  • Stronger central/local IT partnerships
  • Excellence in resource investment and stewardship
  • IT as an enabler for the University Strategic Plan

To Generate these benefits, we are focusing on the following goals:

  1. Modernize the campus environment (with regards to mobile capabilities)
  2. Help the IT Staff attain cloud certifications
  3. Phase out local server rooms and data centers
  4. Establish IT Governance roles, responsibilities, processes

During the Q&A session after the presentation, we had a great discussion on how mobile technologies can help us to better serve students. We also discussed how one vision of the strategic direction creates outcomes that can be used to help promote collaboration and also contribute to improving the wellness of our students.

To learn more, view the full presentation

If you’d like to share your thoughts, please complete our feedback survey here

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