Program Description for Developers


This code is under the assumption that you have a FEH proteus with the standard libraries included. This code also assumes that you have a button board in the Bank 3


main- Contains the Menu of the Game and Calls the required class functions


void PlayGame()- The game function which contains most of the aspects of the game including maps, movements, jumping mechanics, and hit boxes.

void DisplayRules()- Displays rules to the screen when this function is called

void DisplayLeaderboard()- Displays the current highscore of the game

void DisplayCredits()- Displays the credits to the game and inspirations

void Highscore()- Initializes the highscore

void Character()- Gives the Color of the Character

void Color()-Menu for choosing character color.

void Deathscene()-A scrapped function that was going to have the character blink out of existence

Global Variables


score – keeps current score of the run

highscore – keeps the best score of the game

c – is used in the character function to assign color

Game Function Variables

i – index for loops

y – adjusts upward jump

z – adjusts downward fall

lowjump – keeps track of any current jump

Lives – keeps track of current Lives left

Lvl1, Lvl2 , Lvl3 – Track if a level has been completed respectively

jumps – counts the number of jumps taken per level

height – height of hit box on the character

hit, width [20] – both unused variables that were once used for hit box

Feedback of Beta Test

“Make the Rules more clear by stating Left or Right instead of 1 or 3”

“Try to fix the randomly appearing rectangles on the side”

We made the rules and controls more clear and figured out how to stop the wrapping of the drawn rectangles by adding conditional statements with a changing index so that they only appeared on at certain points.