September 22 agenda

September 22, 2016, 3:00-4:30pm, 165 Thompson Library


Financial System Update — Dave Kieffer.2 (15 min)

Dave Kieffer, Senior Director of Enterprise Applications, will provide an update of the Financials Project and the university’s work with Workday. This project will affect everyone at the university over the coming years, so Dave will continue to update us at each ITPC meeting.


ComDoc Update — Jeff Dible.3 (10 min)

Jeff Dible, Director OSU Print Services, will discuss the new metering service with ComDoc.


IT Strategy Update — Joe Roush.155 (15 min)

Joe will introduce the IT Strategic direction website, and new opportunities for providing feedback regarding the IT Strategy.


Canvas Transition Updates — Travis Ritter.18 and Liv Gjestvang.1 (15 min)

Liv and Travis from the Office of Distance Education and eLearning will provide us with an update on the transition to Canvas for the new school year, and their plans going forward.


Multi-Factor Authentication (DUO) — Todd Piche.1, Rich Nagle.51 (10 min)

The Enterprise Security team will provide an overview and update of this top project.


Q&A, agenda ideas — Everyone (10 min)

We will leave ample time to discuss any questions you have and ideas for upcoming meetings.


Networking — Everyone (15 min)

We wanted to give everyone a chance to talk rather than rush out as soon as the meeting is over. It is our hope that you will take these 15 minutes to discuss with other anything of interest that happened during this or previous ITPC meetings.


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